A traveling exhibit titled Crossroads: Change in Rural America is part of Museum on Main Street (MoMS), a unique collaboration between the Smithsonian Institution, the Texas Historical Commission, and small, rural communities across Texas. 

Book now to bring your group, or class, and experience this world-class exhibit at no charge! 

All groups must schedule an appointment to visit. 

Plan your visit, and consider adding lunch and other experiential tours - 

self-guided or with a personal guide - for a small fee. 

Other tour options include: 

Freedom Colonies of Washington County 

The Camptown Soundwalk Experience 

The Brenham Heritage Museum (BHM) 

Brenham Fire Museum 

Washington County Soundwalk Experiences 

Learn more and schedule your tours now by contacting us at: 


or by calling 

(979) 337-7586